Connecticut’s Aerial Photography and Video Solutions

Servicing the State of Connecticut Creative Drone Imaging (CDI) provides solutions to customers that are looking either to stand out from other businesses, showcase a property in a distinctive manner or in need of decision making information. It does so by providing a unique perspective through latest UAS technology. CDI provides its customers the capability to see, inspect and analyze in real time areas that in the past were done by high cost and risky methods.

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Aerial Solutions

Photogrammetry, Inspection and Construction Progress

Using the latest drone technology, CDI can effectively demonstrate progress of construction, provide a 3d worksite map and perform Inspections that provide decision making information to stakeholders with minimal disruption to customer activities.

The Conventional methods of Inspection or measuring progress require teams to walk across potentially dangerous rooftops and scaffolding. Creative Drone Imaging provide it customers the ability to inspect and analyze in real time areas that before were attained by manned Aircraft or by having personnel doing work at high altitudes through high definition images and videos.

Creative Drone Imaging provides its customers the ability to inspect and analyze in real time areas that before were attained by manned Aircraft or by having personnel doing work at high altitudes through high definition images and videos.

Why Us?


Our staff is qualified to use the latest UAS technology and in compliance with the FAA UAS requirements. Certified by the FAA to commercially operate Drones


Being able to showcase, survey and inspect hard to reach places without putting feet on the ground results in safer, more efficient workflows.


Creative Drone Imaging provides its customers with accurate site data in significantly less time at a lower cost than traditional options.

Progress reports are part of every construction site workflow. Drones can easily access difficult-to-reach areas while reducing exposure to potential workplace injuries.

Aerial and Ground Photography

Video Playlist


Phone: 959-206-5400

Simsbury, Connecticut

Servicing the State of Connecticut.

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